Friday 1/19/18
1) HSPU Practice:
Scaled: 3 Wall Walks
alt with kicks to wall
RX:3 sets of max set HSPUs. Rest 2-3 min btwn sets
2) AMRAP 11:
5 Thrusters (135/95)
10 C2B Pull ups
15 Cal row
3) 4 Rounds:
8-10 KB RDLs
:45 Weighted planks
1) HSPU Practice:
Scaled: 3 Wall Walks
alt with kicks to wall
RX:3 sets of max set HSPUs. Rest 2-3 min btwn sets
2) AMRAP 11:
5 Thrusters (135/95)
10 C2B Pull ups
15 Cal row
3) 4 Rounds:
8-10 KB RDLs
:45 Weighted planks