CrossFit Chapel Hill

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Friday 12/13/19

Reminder that TONIGHT is our White Elephant Holiday Party starting at 6:30pm! No 5:30pm CrossFit or 6:30pm Boot Camp. Hope to see everyone at the party!

1) Bench Press (1, 1, 1, 1, then drop weight 30% for AMRAP)

2) Seated Banded Lat Pull Downs & Preacher Curls

3 rounds:
Grip outside of shoulders, complete 10 reps lat pull downs. Immediately into grip 8 inches apart, complete 10 reps.
Immediately into hands together with palms facing up, complete 10 reps

Superset with 10/10 Preacher Curls with a :03 negative, on GHD

Rest 1:00 btwn sets.

3) Banded Crunches

3 rounds:
Complete 30 reps, then hold the position for :30
Rest 2:00 btwn sets