Monday 7/23/18
1) Snatch (5x1)
@90% of 1rm
**we will be increasing weight each week, hit with good form**
2) AMRAP 6:
5 Bar MU (scale: 5 c2b)
10 front rack reverse lunges (115/75)
20 du's
3) Tempo GHD's
4x5-10 :01 raise/:02 lower
1) Snatch (5x1)
@90% of 1rm
**we will be increasing weight each week, hit with good form**
2) AMRAP 6:
5 Bar MU (scale: 5 c2b)
10 front rack reverse lunges (115/75)
20 du's
3) Tempo GHD's
4x5-10 :01 raise/:02 lower