Saturday 6/9/18!


Today is long time member Valerie's wedding day, so we have dedicated the met con to her! She asked for all body weight movements and partner carries, so that's what she gets! Congratulations on your big day, Valerie! We are so happy for you and Leon! Also reminder that both the 9am AND 10am classes are open to the community, so bring your buddy or just bring yourself and come in for a workout!

1) 4 Rounds (straight sets):

8 Bench Press

8 Bent Over Row


w/ a partner:

200m partner carry (to the right of the stairs) (switch as needed)
(scale: burden run)
10 wall walks (scale: 6) (rx+ 4 lengths hs walk)
100 lunges (scale: 80)
50 synchro sit ups
200m partner carry
50 synchro sit ups
100 lunges (scale: 80)
10 wall walks (scale: 6) (rx+ 4 lengths hs walk)
200m partner carry

Morgan Farris