Saturday Squad WOD 12/1/18
1) 3 sets:
10/10 (:02 pause at top) Batwing Rows
10 Barbell Roll outs
2) Teams of 2. One person working at a time.
4 rounds:
30 WBs (20/14)
30 t2b (scale: k2e)
30 alt db snatch (50/35)
30 cal row or 21 cal AB
1) 3 sets:
10/10 (:02 pause at top) Batwing Rows
10 Barbell Roll outs
2) Teams of 2. One person working at a time.
4 rounds:
30 WBs (20/14)
30 t2b (scale: k2e)
30 alt db snatch (50/35)
30 cal row or 21 cal AB