House rules

1. Clean up after yourself. This means many things:
– Don’t make a huge mess when you’re chalking up, and if you do then make sure you clean it up.
– Wipe down your equipment to clean off chalk, sweat, and/or blood.
– Put your equipment away in its proper place.
– Don’t leave band-aids, athletic tape, bottles, or other items all over the place.
– Remove all of your personal items and trash
– Wipe down the mat on which you were working out.

2. Take care of the gym and the equipment. Make sure the weight you have on the barbell for oly lifts and overhead work weighs more than the bar itself. Don’t slam equipment down more than necessary. Let the coaches know if something is broken or otherwise not working optimally.

3. When you arrive for a workout, be respectful of the class that is going on. Don’t talk to loudly and distract members or coaches working out. If you want to stretch, stretch/roll out in the front room.

4. Pay attention when a coach is giving instruction. Asking questions is good. Asking a coach to repeat themselves because you were chatting with your buddy while they were explaining? Not so good. 

5. Don’t take someone else’s equipment without asking. Especially mid-WOD.

6. Don’t hoard equipment, either. There’s no reason to have a stack of ten unused plates on the ground by your station. Someone else could be using those.

7. Take care of yourself. We design our programming to maximize your athletic development, but beyond that we’re trusting you to care for yourself properly. That means taking a rest day when needed, doing mobility work often, eating well, letting us know when you’re ill or injured while in the box, and knowing when to take a step back during a workout. We want to push you and have you push yourself, but not over the edge. Exercising so hard that you throw up, tear your hands up, pass out, pull a muscle, or otherwise damage yourself is not a good or cool thing. Work hard, but work smart. If you have any questions about any aspect of taking care of yourself outside of the box, ask your coaches.

8. Keep your ego in check. That means scaling appropriately. A little friendly competition is good, but don’t go too heavy on a WOD just because you want to keep up with the Joneses. That’s a sure fire way to get injured. Even if you miraculously don’t hurt yourself, you won’t make the progress you want because let’s face it, your form falls apart quick when you go too heavy. Maintain a good and positive attitude. It’s natural to get frustrated over challenges. It’s not okay to be a jerk about it.

9. Have integrity. That means no cheating. We’re a community, so we’ll celebrate your victories and share in your failures with you. But whichever way the barbell falls, we want it to be genuine. You should, too. Nobody cares if you’re last in a WOD. In fact, we’ll all hang around and cheer you on until you’re done. What we do care about is that you do the work truly and sincerely. No skipping reps. No sandbagging. If you’re injured or just plain can’t do a movement yet, that’s totally fine. See rule 7 and scale accordingly. But don’t cheat just because something is hard. Give it your best.

10. Keep the kids in check. We love kids as much as anybody, but for the safety of your children as well as the safety of and courtesy towards other members, children must stay in the seating area and keep the noise level low. They are absolutely not allowed on the workout floor at any time.

11. Keep the pets in check. We love all of the fuzzy dog-shaped CFCH members and we love when they are around. Unfortunately our dogs, though wonderful and snuggly, are tricky to have at the gym. Though their company is often a nice treat, they sometimes endanger themselves and our CFCH humans during workouts or as a trigger for allergies. So, no pets in the workout space of CFCH. Dogs will not be permitted anywhere that is covered by a black mat (or should be) or anywhere that a person would wants to workout or stretch, etc. All dogs must be leashed and accompanied by their human at all times and should really only be at the gym if it’s a dog emergency.