CrossFit Chapel Hill

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Tuesday 09/08/20

1) Snatch Complex 

Every 2:00 for 12:00:
Above knee snatch + below knee snatch

Sets 1-2: Technique Focus
Sets 3-6: Increase weight with good technique

Use heavier weights overall compared to last Monday.
Drop and reset between reps if necessary to maintain form.
Above Knee Snatch should be well below hip.

At home scale:
Alt E2MOM for 12:00
Min 0-2: 1:40 wall sit
Min 2-4: 1:10 hollow hold
Min 4-6: 1:10 double (or single) DB Overhead Static Hold

2) For time:
22 alt single db step ups (50/35#)
22 alt db snatch (50/35#)
26 alt single db step ups
26 alt db snatch
30 alt single db step ups
30 alt db snatch