Friday 08/14/20
1) Push Press
5 sets:
12, 12, 12, 10, 10+10
Rest 2:00 btwn sets
For final set, complete 10 reps, drop the weight 30% and complete 10 more.
2) Yates Row + RDLs
E3MOM 12
Set 1: 15 Reps Yates Row
Set 2: 3 x (3 Reps with 3 second negative + 3 reps fast) (18 total reps)
Set 3: 12 Reps Yates Row AHAP
Set 4: 10 Reps Yates Row AHAP
Immediately after each set, don't drop bar, go straight into 15 RDLs
Rest 2 minutes bt sets
Record heaviest set
At home: with DB or KB
3) DB Cheat Curl Negatives*
E3MOM 12
12 reps with 3 sec negative
After completing each set of curls, complete a max set of banded pushups
Barbell pushups:
*Using a heavy DB. Focus of the curl is on controlling the negative, not on getting the weight up