Flex Friday! 06/19/20
1) E3MOM 9:
9/9 DB/KB Curtsy Lunges (https://youtu.be/PlgiGMyNJ1Y)
9/9 SL RDLs
9 Sumo DL High Pulls
2) E3MOM 12:
Max Strict HSPUs (scale: max kipping HSPU or pike pushups)
Max Kipping HSPU (scale: Max HR pushups)
3) Curls and Core
Complete core work for time:
Rx+: 25 Dragon Flags with 10 second eccentric* (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8PRNJ3GR78)
Rx: 20 Dragon Flags with 7 second eccentric*
Scale: 70 reverse crunches (https://youtu.be/fhrkw1aaP8k?t=196)
On minute zero and start of every minute, complete 8 DB curls with both hands