Friday Pump Sesh 9/20/19
1) Deadlift
40 reps for time using the same weight you used last week.
Scored as weight used.
2) Close grip bench
E3MOM 15:
Set 1: 20 reps at fast pace
Set 2: half rep from bottom into 1 full rep x 8 reps each
Set 3: half rep from bottom into 1 full rep x 8 reps each
Set 4: 12 reps as heavy as possible
Set 5: Drop set of 10 heavy reps into 10 medium weight reps into light reps to failure
*Hands inside shoulder width. Increase weight each set. Record heavy set of 10.
3) After Party!
3-4 sets depending on time:
:60 plank
25 hollow rocks