CrossFit Chapel Hill

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Tuesday 3/12/19

1) Beginner/Intermediate: 10 min DU practice with coach

Adv: Strict HSPU practice 4 min. if can perform StrHSPU in full ROM, then:
50 HSPUs for time
*6 min cap

If cannot perform SHSPU, then continue practicing with decreasing abmat heights for full 10 min

*we will retest. if you can't complete 50 that's fine we want to improve this time or rep number

2) Alt EMOM 24
1) DB Renegade Rows (no pushup, each arm row is one rep)
2) Cal Row
3) Double Unders (divide reps by 2, round down for score)
4) Rest

Score is total reps

3) 30/30 windshield wipers