Monday 12/23/19
10am, 4:30pm and 5:30pm classes only today!
With a partner:
Buy in: 4000m bike (or 2.5 miles)
into 10 rounds, switch every round:
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 air squats
into 10 rounds, switch every round:
5 box jumps
10 db shoulder to oh (2x50/35)
15 Russian kb swings (53/35) (rx+ 70/53)
into 10 rounds, switch every round:
5 burpees
10 alt db snatch (50/35) (rx+ 60/40)
15 db or kb deadlifts (2x50/35) (rx+ 2x70/53)
then: 4000m bike (or 2.5 miles)