Flex Friday 10/04/19
1) Every 5:00 for 15:00
15 deadlifts (225/155)
20 toes to bar
3 lengths of rig HS walk (scale: 5 wall walks)
*Score is slowest round.
2) DB Bench/KB Row Superset
DB Bench
Set 1: 20 reps
Set 2: 10 x (half rep + full rep)
Set 3: 10 x (half rep + full rep)
Set 4: 15 reps AHAP
Set 5: 10 reps AHAP + 20 reps using much lighter
Superset the Bench with the KB Bent Over rows (below), rest 90 seconds between supersets
Single Arm Bent Over KB row
Set 1: 15 each arm
Set 2: 12 each arm
Set 3: 3 x (3 half reps + 3 full reps)
Set 4: 3 x (3 half reps + 3 full reps)
Set 5: 15 reps AHAP