CrossFit Chapel Hill

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Thursday 10/03/19

1) Scaled (not yet completed a MU):
E3MOM 15:
6 Band Assisted Ring Transitions*
8 Kipping knees to elbows
Rest 2 min btwn sets
*try to use less band assistance than last time

Intermediate (have 1 or a few MU sometimes)
E3MOM 15:
2-3 big kips + 1 MU attempt (if consistently failing, do 6 big kips + 6 ring transitions)

Advanced (can do consistent sets of 3 or more MU)
E3MOM 15:
Max UB reps
**Score is smallest UB set. Don't go too big too early!

2) AMRAP 6:
db box step overs (50/35) (24"20")
pull ups

straight into:

5 rounds:
5 power cleans (rx 155/105) (rx+ 185/130)
10 box jump overs
(cap at 16 min) (10 minutes to complete part 2)