Mark Madness 5/20/18
Today is Mark's last class with us before he heads to DC to pursue his big boy job. We've dedicated today's workout to all the things we think Mark would love the most. And we'll probably add an EXTRA long warm up just for him!
Join us at 10am for Mark Madness, then stay after for ROMWOD at 11am!
1) Goat Work!
Pick one thing to get better at and take about 10 min to work on it.
2) 5 Rounds:
3 Bar MU's (scale: 9 pull ups)
6 Strict HSPU's (scale: kipping or db push press)
3 Squat Cleans (135/95) (rx+185/135)
3) Cash Out!
3 rounds:
15 GHD sit ups (scale to 10 or to parallel)
15 hip extensions
15/15 Flutter Kicks