CrossFit Chapel Hill

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1 Year Anniversary In House Competition!!

No regular classes today. If you are competing please arrive by 8:15am to get settled before the briefing at 8:30am! If you aren't competing stop by, cheer on your gym pals and help us celebrate! 


Wod 1:

P1: Find 1rm back squat
P2: Find 1rm bench
P3: Find 1rm deadlift
P4: Find 1rm clean and jerk

8 minutes for everyone on team to find a max for one lift. Each partner contributes 1 max lift. Cannot
switch lifts once clock has started.
Each team will be given 2 bars. Bar 1 will be used for Clean & Jerk and Deadlift and Bar 2 will be used for Bench and Back Squat.
If a M/F pair are together on C&J/Deadlift station, one extra bar will be allowed.
One person working at a time. Bars must start empty.

To make weight comparisons universal, women's lifts will be multiplied by 1.42 based on the 135/95 scaling

WOD 2 & 3:

One pair completes station 1 while other pair completes station 2.

Station 1: 2k row (scaled 1.5k)
One teammate rows as the other holds a weighted (not yet annouced) barbell at the top of the
DL position. When the person holding the bar drops the bar the partners must switch.

Station 2: 150 hand release push ups (scaled:100)
One teammate does the push ups as the other hangs from the pull up bar.
When the person hanging from the bar drops then the partners must switch.

*** 10:00 TIME CAP ***

*Rest 4:00 then:

Same format as the above WODs with two pairs of teammates.
Decide which teammates will be the best pairs for the listed WODs.
Two teammates will complete Team Annie and two teammates will complete
Team Fran.

Station 1: Team Annie
Two Teammates: One teammate working at a time! Can switch whenever.
Double Unders
**Scaled - 2x singles**

Station 2:
Two Teammates: One teammate working at a time! Can switch whenever.

***10:00 TIME CAP***

WOD 4:

Cash in:
P1: 25 American KB Swings then
P2: 25 American KB Swings then
P3: 25 American KB Swings then
P4: 25 American KB Swings then
P1 does 200m sprint then
P2 does 200m sprint then
P3 does 200m sprint then
P4 does 200m sprint then
P1/2 does 200m pinch grip carry (can switch holding plates as needed) then
P3/4 does 200m pinch grip carry
RX: 35/25
Scaled: 25/15