Thursday 12/28/17!
REMINDER! NO 6:30pm classes this week!
CFCH Holiday Schedule!
Wed 12/27-Fri 12/29 - 6am, 8am, 11:30am, 4:30pm, 5:30pm, NO 6:30pms those days
Sat 12/30 - 9am, 10am
Sun 12/31-Mon 1/1 - Closed!
1) Pull ups, C2B's, and Bar MU's, OH MY!
EOMOM 10 (5 working rounds):
Scaled: 5 kips + 12 banded strict pull ups
Intermediate: 5 Pullups + 10 C2B pull ups
Advanced: 8 C2B + 2-3 Bar MUs
2) OHP
8x3 @ 80% Focus on moving the bar out of the hole as fast
as possible. Rest :90 btwn sets
3) "Karen"
150 Wall balls for time (20/14)