Sunday 12/24/17
Sun 12/24 - 10am only
Mon 12/25 - Closed
Tues 12/26 - 8am, 11:30am, 5:30pm
Wed 12/27-Fri 12/29 - 6am, 8am, 11:30am, 4:30pm, 5:30pm, NO 6:30pms those days
Sat 12/30 - 9am, 10am
Sun 12/31-Mon 1/1 - Closed!
Drop in with us if you're in town! $15 for a drop in and $25 for a drop in with a t-shirt or tank!
ALSO - Don't forget BOOTCAMP IS BACK starting Monday, January 8th. Bootcamp classes are every Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 6am and 6pm. Click the button below to sign up and get your first month for just $50!!
And now for your Sunday WOD!
1) Goat Practice - Take 12 min to work on a skill/lift you NEED
to work on
2) AMRAP 10:
50/35 cal row
50 air squats
50/35 cal bike
50 push ups
1 rope climb
10 wall balls