Thursday 12/21/17
Sun 12/24 - 10am only
Mon 12/25 - Closed
Tues 12/26 - 8am, 11:30am, 5:30pm
Wed 12/27-Fri 12/29 - 6am, 8am, 11:30am, 4:30pm, 5:30pm, NO 6:30pms those days
Sat 12/30 - 9am, 10am
Sun 12/31-Mon 1/1 - Closed!
Drop in with us if you're in town! $15 for a drop in and $25 for a drop in with a t-shirt or tank!
And now for your Thursday WOD!
1) 4 Rounds:
4 High Box Jumps (same height as last week)
Foot work drills on speed ladder
2) Front Squats
3x10 (try to use the same weight as last week)
3) AMRAP 15:
Lap farmers carry AHAP
Lap 2 hand backwards plate push
Lap crawl
200m sprint