Member Highlight - Sydney L.!

Sydney L.!

Sydney Lewis! 


We love any opportunity to celebrate our athletes, and this month we are celebrating Sydney! Sydney has been a member of the CFCH community since the fall of 2022, and has been committed to working hard and improving ever since! We appreciate her for many reasons -  some being her positivity and engagement in class and on Wodify, and how she always shows up, works hard, and pushes herself.


We asked Sydney a few questions about herself, and here is what she had to say: 

1) How long have you been doing CF? 
"I've been doing CF since October of last year. I dabbled in it a little bit in high school and college though."

2) What has been your biggest fitness challenge you have overcome? 

"Being able to snatch (I never felt comfortable with the technique and movement pattern but now I feel great about it)."

3) What is a fitness goal you are currently working on?

"Conditioning (anything cardio related/the bike especially, not going out too fast and then dying)."

4) What is your favorite exercise/workout to see on the board for the day? 

"Any type of clean variation (power clean/squat clean, etc.) mixed in with some box jumps."

5) Tell us a fun fact about you! 

"I have a twin brother and we were two months premature."


Thanks to Sydney for being a wonderful part of the CFCH community. Your determination, positivity, and eagerness to embrace challenges is an inspiration to us all. Keep up the fantastic work, and we can't wait to see you continue to improve in your CF journey! 

Morgan Farris