Low Fat, Moderate Fat, and High Fat Protein Sources!

Did you know that in addition to group classes and personal training, we also offer 1:1 nutrition coaching?

We are here to help you with whatever approach to eating works best for you to reach your long term goals. That could be macro counting, intuitive eating approaches, or anything in between. We believe in diet personalization and having a plan that you can stick to!

One of the biggest things we see when working with nutrition clients is that many people aren't eating enough protein!

"Why do I need to eat more protein?"

First, protein keeps us satiated and full. Think for a moment how easy is it to get through a whole bag of Doritos and feel no fuller by the end, whereas you’d be hard pressed to eat the equivalent amount of energy in lean roast beef or turkey and still be reaching for more. Protein also helps build muscle and maintain lean body mass, supporting all your hard training efforts with better strength and recovery gains. By supporting lean mass, protein can help maintain your hard earned muscle gains while you are restricting calories. Finally, there is a metabolic advantage of choosing protein over other macronutrients called a high thermic effect. It takes slightly more energy for your body to digest protein compared to carbs and fats. The more energy your body uses = more (non exercise) calories burned).

The recommended daily allowance (RDA) for protein in the USA is ~0.8-1.0 grams per kilogram of body weight—but that amount is based on what’s needed to prevent a deficiency. In our gym population, we are looking for optimal results, not merely sufficient.

A better goal for active athletes who are weight training is 1.6-2.4g/kg in grams of protein, or put in simpler terms, about 1 gram for every pound you weigh. Again, this may seem like a lot, but referring to the protein benefits above, increasing protein will make it EASIER to eat fewer calories across the day while keeping energy levels high.

Check out the slides for examples on examples of different protein sources!

Morgan Farris