No Equipment Holiday Workouts!

If your gym routine is out of whack over the holidays, here are some NO equipment workouts to try at home!

WOD 1:
100 Air Squats
90 (seconds) Plank

80 Walking Lunges
70 Sit Ups
60 seconds Bear Crawl
50 Tuck Jumps
40 Push Ups
30 Side Plank Taps (each side)
20 Burpees
10 Wall Walks

WOD 2:

a) EMOM x 12-15 min

Minute 1) Curtsy Squat x 6-8/side

Minute 2) Bear Crawl x 10m

Minute 3) Forearm Plank x 40-45 sec

b) 3 sets

1) Max Wide Grip Pushup

rest :30

2) Glute Bridge x 12-20 reps w/ :02 pause at top

rest :30

3) :60-:90 Wall Sit

rest :60-90 and then back to 1)

c) 10 Rounds

Run 100m

6 Candlesticks

6 Burpee jump overs (burpee then jump over a small object)

WOD 3:

10 Burpees

10 Burpees

25 Shoulder Taps (L+R=2 reps)

10 Burpees

25 Shoulder Taps

50 Lateral Lunges

10 Burpees

25 Shoulder Taps

50 Lateral Lunges

100 Sit Ups

10 Burpees

25 Shoulder Taps

50 Lateral Lunges

100 Sit Ups

150 Air Squats

*Complete each section and go straight into the next with no/minimal rest btwn. Each new section adds a movement.

Morgan Farris